Crazycomics's Blog

This blog... makes NO SENSE it's great

do people

even use this

time time time

time time time time time time


hey have you noticed that the colors on this thing do not have orange that is pretty lame


there is a blue thing in the middle that is the rightmost of the options on one bar it says NEW!! and there is some Japanese stuff next to it but I do not want to click it right now because it will probably bring me to some page that isn't…

today............ it is vorentines the day

the day of the vore

dadada da du na da

da daa da d ada da da d a dsada d as dda d d d a d ad ss dsa as ads das,y acoirs the oicean adda una d gj g gassa sa sa sas sda dsa he alving jme meor dadads d ju ju sh e dia

look at this right here see it now


oops I


that really hurt

;______________________semicolon <-----; that is it


the ice is in the way of the juice

New Entry

this is a New Entry


c c c c


is why it is great

one day

the world will be mine hahaha what am I even saying this makes no sense

vore 4 lyfe

did they even understand

how do I kill

now that I know murder is ok I ned 2 no how would I kill someone if you can help me tell me in t,the comments thx

is murder bad???

I think I want to murder something but before I do that I wanted to know is murder bad??? idk

I got reproted

stupid false rteporters there was no secual content or eptilictid flashing







It is Christmas

jingle bell jingle bell jinglebell jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell jingle jingle jijingle jijingle bell jinglebell jingle bell bell jingle bell jingle bell jin gle bell jingle bell jijijingle bell bell jijijingle bell bell Merry Christ…